これまでにもお知らせしたとおり,本会が後援する第9回植物の嫌気応答に関する国際会議(9th Conference
of the International Society for Plant Anaerobiosis, ISPA)が,今年(2007年)11月18日(日)〜23日(金)に宮城県宮城郡松島町で開催されます.
Morphology and Physiology of Plant Shoots and Roots under Anaerobic
11月21日(水)8:30-13:00 (Chairs: W. Armstrong and J.
S5-1: Respiratory critical oxygen pressures in primary roots of intact
pea and maize
Armstrong W, Webb T, Darwent MJ, Beckett PM
S5-2: Induction of barrier to radial oxygen loss and enhancement of
aerenchyma formation in rice :
influence of root length
Shiono K, Ogawa S, Colmer TD, Fujimura T, Ohta M, Isoda H, Nakazono
M, Abe Y
S5-3: Effects of short cycles of anaerobic and aerobic root conditions
on root morphology,
anatomy and nutrient uptake in rice
Insalud N, Colmer T, Bell RW, Rerkasem B
S5-4: Record rates of humidity-induced concective gas-flow in Equisetum
telmateia have implications
for the aeration of extinct horsetails
Armstrong J, Armstrong W
S5-5: Lotus tenuis tolerates combined salinity and waterlogging :O2
transport to roots enables
maintenance of 'exclusion' of Na+ and Cl- from the xylem
Teakle N, Real D, Flowers T, Amtmann A, Colmer T
S5-6: The function of young seedling hypocotyls of the mangrove, Rhizophora
in a flooded condition
Kitaya Y, Yoshii H, Shibuya T, Kiyota M
S5-7: Physiology of vascular cavity formation due to hypoxia in pea
(Pisum sativum) primary roots
Gladish DK, Sarkar P, Sreekanta S, Niki T
S5-8: Effects of plant hormones on secondary aerenchyma formation of
the flooded hypocotyl
in soybean
Shimamura S, Yamamoto R, Nakamura T, Nakayama N, Hiraga S, Shimada
S, Mochizuki T,
Komatsu S
〒980-0845 仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉149 宮城教育大学教育学部 石澤公明
日本ISPA組織委員会による案内: http://ispa-japan.miyakyo-u.ac.jp/
協賛のOECD事務局による案内: http://www.jircas.affrc.go.jp/event/2007/20071118.html